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Bywell CofE Junior-01654

Subject Overview


Subject Intent

Computing plays a significant role across all aspects of a child’s life. With technology the way it is today, children are spending an increasing amount of time using electronic devices and accessing the internet for online learning, playing games, using social media etc. and the use of computing is now more habitual than it has ever been.

A high-quality computing curriculum equips children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has links with mathematics, science and design and technology. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.


At Bywell, we intend to:

  • Promote high ambition for all pupils; including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND
  • Deliver a computing curriculum that builds on pupil’s prior learning and increases subject knowledge and develops their skills throughout their time at Bywell
  • Deliver a computing curriculum that results in the acquisition of knowledge of the world around them
  • Build a computing curriculum that safeguards and prepares pupils to live safely in an increasingly digital British society; being kind, friendly, compassionate online citizens, and understanding the consequence of their actions and their right to justice if used inappropriately and in a way that disturbs the peace

Subject Implementation

  • Computing is taught as discrete lessons to ensure pupils are able to develop depth in their knowledge and skills over the duration of each of their computing topics.
  • Computing is taught weekly during Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer 1 I years 5 and 6. In years 3 and 4, it is taught weekly during Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2.
  • Purple Mash’s scheme of work is used for the planning of computing lessons, with specific topics selected to support the needs of pupils. Topics can be richly linked to engaging contexts in other subjects and topics.
  • A balanced coverage of all three strands (Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science) is to be taught across each year group, covering all areas of the Computing National Curriculum.
  • As pupils progress through school, learning will be scaffolded, taking in to account what they have done previously and building on this. Pupils begin with a unit on spreadsheets in the Autumn term, moving on to creation/animation in the Spring term and finally moving on to coding in the Summer term. Over the years, pupils’ subject knowledge will become increasingly specific and in depth, with more complex skills being taught from one year to the next. Pupils will be able to call upon prior knowledge to support them to acquire their new skills.
  • Online safety is taught at least once every half term to ensure that it is embedded, whilst being current and relevant to the needs of the pupils. Topics include online self-image and identity, online relationships, online reputation, online bullying, copyright and ownership, health, well-being and lifestyle and privacy and security. As well as this, we celebrate Safer Internet Day annually and ensure that parents are kept up to date with developments in safeguarding pupils online through newsletters and guidance through our school website.

Subject Impact

  • Computing was taught successfully, in a block, once a term, across all year groups during academic year 2022/23
  • Online Safety resources were provided to all teachers, and lessons were delivered once every half term across the school
  • Pupil voice survey found that all children were very confident with their knowledge of online safety. Children knew the impacts of online bullying and could say how to stay safe and what to do if something bad happens when they’re online
  • Evidence of learning on Purple Mash clearly showed that children acquired new skills and were able to use them
  • Teachers found the Purple Mash teacher videos and PowerPoints helpful in supporting their planning and teaching. However, some staff expressed that they did still find the Coding unit difficult to teach. Therefore, a CPD session was arranged where a representative from Purple Mash did a focused session on Coding, and also covered assessment in Computing
  • Children expressed that they enjoy their Computing lessons. They were able to talk confidently about what they have learnt and the programs they have used. Some children who may usually struggle in subjects such as English and Maths, were found to be more confident during Computing lessons and were able to showcase what they have learnt and produced.
  • IT support extended the length of time before Smoothwall times out. This meant that evidence of learning can be saved online.

July 2023 Update

  • Digital Leaders have now been recruited and training will begin in September
  • Demo lesson with external coding specialist was delivered but we decided not to go ahead with it
  • CPD on coding was delivered by a Purple Mash rep which was beneficial for all, including Computing lead
  • Computing lead was involved in a mock Ofsted deep dive and has begun to look at how to improve based on feedback from this
  • Children have thoroughly enjoyed Computing this year and evidence of learning on Purple Mash can be found in pupil folders

Next Steps for 2023/24

  • Redo whole school overview ensuring progression of skills and knowledge from one year group to the next
  • Ensure that across school, pupils are working on the same/similar objectives in the same term e.g. spreadsheets in Autumn
  • Provide all year groups with knowledge organisers for each unit, which include key vocab, symbols, information etc. These will be given to children at the beginning of each unit and stuck in to Computing books
  • Ensure that evidence of learning is saved in relevant folders on Purple Mash
  • Introduce assessment in Computing – using the Purple Mash judgments system to do this – and support staff in using this feature
  • Research and update Online Safety lessons to ensure they are relevant, and provide resources for all teachers

October 2023 Review

  • Whole school overview ensuring progression of skills and knowledge from one year group to the next has been completely redone and distributed to all teaching staff
  • Resource packs including guidance for computing, and knowledge organisers have been distributed to all year groups and have already successfully been used in Years 5 and 6
  • Children are now using exercise books in Computing in which they record Online Safety lessons and any knowledge organisers or planning sheets for Purple Mash units
  • Folders have been created on Purple Mash for a selection of evidence of learning to be saved by teachers

Next steps:

  • Collect feedback from years 5 and 6 teachers regarding delivery of Computing
  • Carry out pupil voice survey for year 5 and 6 pupils
  • Check staff confidence of teaching and assessing Computing
  • Integrate Computing across the curriculum to enhance learning
  • Carry out learning walks during Computing lessons
  • Meet with Digital Leaders once a week to complete training and facilitate their use in school to lead in this area

December 2023 Review

  • Years 5 and 6 have completed Computing in Autumn 1
  • Year 4 have completed Computing in Autumn 2 – crash courses in Spreadsheets have been used to fill gaps in knowledge due to not having completed spreadsheets in Year 3
  • Due to other commitments, Year 3 have postponed delivering Computing in Autumn 2 but will deliver in both Spring 1 and Spring 2
  • Learning walks carried out in years 4, 5 and 6 show that children are highly engaged in Computing lessons. Children enjoy their lessons and look forward to them every week. They can confidently talk about what they are learning and are beginning to use the correct terminology. Children in year 6 have stated that prior learning on spreadsheets in Year 5 has supported them with their lessons this year. Classrooms have Computing displays which show key symbols and vocabulary for children to refer to during lessons. Computing exercise books are being used in most classes. Staff are developing confidence in delivering Computing and find the Purple Mash teacher videos useful.
  • Feedback has been given to staff members following learning walks
  • Feedback has also been provided to Year 3 advising them to carry out the spreadsheet crash course
  • Digital Leaders have begun their training and have thoroughly enjoyed it
  • Computing has been used in other areas of the curriculum such as Year 4 Science – creating animations of the water cycle


Next steps:

  • Continue to meet with Digital Leaders
  • Carry out further learning walks and pupil voice surveys
  • Contact Purple Mash to arrange a possible CPD session
  • Continue to offer suggestions to integrate computing across the curriculum
  • Plan and prepare for Safer Internet Day (February 6th 2024)